LOST / lost paradise
Set of 48 graphic prints in three size: 38x50, 28x35, 18x24 which can be arranged in gallery space.
The project has started with a set of 6 artistic sketchbooks. Each of them contains 100 quick hand drawing. Only 48 pictures had been selected and changed into a series of printmaking works. Although traditional graphic techniques require planning, precision and patient, the artistic goal was to preserve the freshness of sketches in them.
Cycle of graphic prints “LOST / lost paradise” is an analysis of the human condition. Paradise, utopia is a place as gorgeous as it is unreachable. Places and situation that are the goal of man’s constant pursuit. However, the work is about being lost, loss and emptiness.
Banishment from paradise is a absence, not only of one’s place on earth, but also, and perhaps above all, the loss of one’s own identity, roots, history, no social affiliation. Loss of sense of security, purpose and the meaning of life.
In this landscape I find a contemporary man. Lost, being attacked from every side by excess that promises to compensate for deficiencies. Excess of goods, stimuli, experiences, events and things to do. However, he still feels constant unavoidable and unsatisfying absence.